5 Tips to Make Your Home Virtually Burglar-Proof

5 Tips to Make Your Home Virtually Burglar-Proof

Would you be surprised to know that a home is broken into somewhere in the United States every 15 seconds? On average, each homeowner pays $2,000 to replace their belongings and fix damaged property. Unfortunately, home burglaries are becoming more common. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make your home less appealing to criminals.

Here are five tips to help make your home virtually burglar-proof. Contact Progressive Insulation & Windows at (800) 500-6200 for a free estimate on new windows.

Don’t Advertise Your New Purchases

When you make a major purchase, such as a new TV, video game console, computer, or other electronics that would be easy for a thief to steal and resell, there’s no need to let everyone in the neighborhood know. One way you might inadvertently advertise your new purchase is by leaving the empty box on your curb. This essentially tells potential thieves exactly what you bought and where to find it.

Instead of putting these empty boxes on the curb, take them to your local recycling center. This will cut down on waste and ensure you’re not unnecessarily making your home a target.

Keep Your Blinds Closed When You’re Not Home

Ideally, your expensive items wouldn’t be in plain view of your windows, but in homes with many windows, this is virtually impossible. However, it is possible to keep your blinds closed when you’re away. Burglars often go from home to home, looking for a place with a lot of items to steal within easy grabbing distance from the front door. If your home doesn’t give them any information, they’re likely to move on to an easier target.

Lock Your Entry Doors Attached to Your Garage

Do you have a door going from your garage to your home? You may not think twice about locking it—after all, your garage is locked—but the reality is that many garage doors are relatively easy to get into. That’s why it’s important to make sure that the door from your garage to your home is always locked.

Update Your Windows

Nearly 60% of burglaries involve entry through windows. By replacing your old windows with new, more secure ones, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a break-in. Modern windows come with enhanced security features that make it much harder for burglars to gain entry, thereby protecting your home and giving you peace of mind.

Lock Your Doors

This might sound obvious, but the reality is that many homeowners feel safe and secure and don’t always lock their doors. If you need a new, secure door, contact Progressive Insulation & Windows today. We can recommend the top products that will help you stay safe and secure in your own home.

No one wants to get robbed, but you also don’t want to feel like a prisoner in your own home. These simple tips are great ways you can make subtle changes that could prevent you from dealing with the hassle of a robbery. For more information on installing new, secure doors and windows, contact Progressive Insulation & Windows today at (800) 500-6200.

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